Make a difference

KL Mission is all about seeing King Jesus impact the lives of people wherever He sends us. The Gospel being preached through Action.

Why a mission trip?

You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, & in all Judea and Samaria &to the ends of the earth - Jesus Christ

As part of our "Local to Global" mission to REPLICATE, KLM has partnered up with Kingdom Rise - going together to establish tangible, practical Kingdom Life Centres wherever we believe God is sending us to meet real needs. You can be a part of this collaborative mission of Restoring the Spirit, Renewing the Soul, Rebuilding Lives and seeing the Replication of King Jesus' Kingdom Life in individuals and communities around the world.

Watch this space! We hope to launch our 1st mission trip in 2024 to do our part in fulfilling Christ's Great Commission. As you see God change lives through you, He will do the same in you!

July 12-22, 2017

Lagos, Nigeria

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SEPtember 12-22, 2017

Port-au-Prince, Haiti

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